Management Associates is one of the largest National Executive Search Chains
in the United States specializing in
Restaurant Recruiting, Retail Recruiting,
Hospitality Recruiting,
Security Recruiting and Executive Management
If You Are a Company:
PMA specializes in both Acquisition and Retention of the BEST Talent
in your marketplace.
PMA helps you to gain access to the
TOP 10% of your competitors people.
PMA provides you with Competitive
Intelligence for your marketplace.
PMA interviews over 11,000
candidates annually.
PMA performs over 60,000 target
recruit calls annually.
PMA has a consistent hiring ratio of
1 candidate hired for every 3 referred.
PMA has a Nationwide Network of
PMA is the oldest and largest search
firm specializing in Restaurant, Hospitality and Retail Management.
Surveys show that 5 out of 6
existing clients say PMA is the Search Firm to turn to when you
cannot make a hiring mistake.
If You Are a Candidate:
PMA offers targeted career guidance.
PMA specializes in unique career opportunities not available
through traditional job listings and job postings.
PMA represents
opportunities at hundreds of the most sought after companies in the
United States.
PMA does goal oriented interviews
geared to understand both your current and future aspirations.
PMA will treat your information with
complete confidentiality.
PMA will put you at the right place,
at the right time, in front of the decision makers.
PMA walks hand in hand with you
through the entire interview process.
offices are staffed with well-trained, salaried consultants with
previous experience of various levels in the management industry. We
know the industry, who the "players" are and how to access them.
PMA has the highest concentration of Certified Personnel Consultants
in the United States specializing in Restaurant, Hospitality and
Retail Management.
What truly
separates PMA from other executive search firms is our people. They
are highly trained and integrity oriented consultants who know the
key players in our industries and recruit only the top performing,
high caliber talent. PMA knows what makes a successful match in our
searches and we do not waste either our client's or candidate's time
by presenting anything less than long term matches.
Restaurant Recruiting, Retail Recruiting,
Hospitality Recruiting,
Security Recruiting and Executive Management
to PMA
Entry Level, College Grads
Barter is Better with Tradebank
2000 Personalized Management Associates