designation stands for
Certified Personnel Consultant and indicates that an individual
has met the requirements, taken the course work, and
passed the legal exam administered by the National
Association of Personnel Services (NAPS). It is our
industry's badge of honor and reflects the
professionalism and commitment to excellence of the
designee. The body of knowledge mastered by the CPC
includes: Business Operations, Business Ethics, and
Employment Laws. Additionally, to maintain the
designation, the CPC commits to 50 hours of continuing
education in the industry every 3 years by attending
seminars and taking courses sanctioned by NAPS.
Qualification for Certification:
As of the first day of the testing
month one must be a currently employed owner, partner,
manager or placement consultant of a private placement
firm, engaged full time in the permanent placement
industry, and have a minimum of two years experience.
Must be able
to submit written verification of their experience
upon request of the examining body, agree to uphold
NAPS Standard of Ethical Practices, and
certification program rules.
Complete the course work and pass
the administered exam. Exams are administered twice a
year at selected University sites throughout the
country. The examinations are proctored locally and
test papers are sent to an independent testing
organization for its approval before certification can
be granted. From start to finish, the entire process
of certification takes the better part of a year.
The Benefits of Working With a CPC:
Knowledge: CPC's are knowledgeable
and tested in the laws affecting hiring practices
within the employment industry.
Experience: CPC's have a minimum of
two years of experience in their profession in order
to qualify to sit for the examination.
Service: CPC's provide quality
service to meet the needs of your business. Quality
service, so critical to success, begins and ends with
Ethics: CPC's abide by the Standards
of Ethical Practices of the National Association of
Personnel Services (NAPS).
Commitment: CPC's are committed to
the personnel service industry and have taken the
extra step to provide their clients with superior
service. The continuing education requirements
mandated by NAPS to maintain certification insures
that the personnel consultant remains competitive in
this dynamic industry