W. Hottle, CPC has been in the Executive Search and Career Coaching
Industry since 1984. In that time, he has coached all levels of careers,
from college graduates to service presidents.
David has trained thousands of recruiters, recruiting owners and human
resource professionals in the art of recruiting, direct sourcing, talent
acquisition, retention, candidate development and client development.
He has coached, advised and helped to get hired tens of thousands of
candidates ranging from college graduates to Senior Vice Presidents in
virtually every major city and profession in the United States for the
past three decades.
Since 1984, Mr. Hottle, CPC has built relationships with numerous hiring
authorities in hundreds of top companies in the USA and uses these
relationships to guide companies in fulfilling their hiring needs.
Previously, David was the Regional Vice President of a multi-unit
corporate Executive Recruiting chain nationally recognized as being in
the Top 10% of all multi-unit agency chains in the United States. As
Regional Vice President, he ran multiple executive search offices
placing college graduates. He has won numerous awards and citations:
"Top Salesman in the Company" six times, "Top Manager in the Company"
five times, and "Top Branch in the Company" twenty three times.
David was also a Director, Trainer, and Partner with one of the largest
corporately owned executive search chains in the country specializing in
the management industry. He developed their University training systems,
programs and processes.
Mr. Hottle has earned the coveted designation of "CPC" - Certified
Personnel Consultant". "CPC" is the highest professional designation in
the Personnel Industry. It is the “Seal of Approval” for those needing
career coaching.
In 1996, David was inducted into the Personnel Industries "Million
Dollar Hall of Fame" for sales in excess of a Million Dollars, and now
is often quoted in various industry trade magazines.
Dave & Zig Ziglar Exchanging
Sales Closes
Danny Cahill, CPC, Renown
International Industry Speaker and Trainer, Dave
Hottle, CPC Discussing Industry Trends.
Barry Niemann, CPC, Past Chairman National Assoc. Personnel
Services, Industry Speaker, Trainer and Dave
Hottle, CPC's Mentor |
Bruno, CPC, Past Chairman National Assoc.
Personnel Services, International Industry
Trainer and Speaker |

Contact David Hottle, CPC
at 800-466-7822
